Unified Evaluation#

After obtaining the sampled data, you can proceed with the unified evaluation.

Evaluation Configuration#

Configure the evaluation task, for example:

from evalscope import TaskConfig, run_task

task_cfg = TaskConfig(
    dataset_args={'data_collection': {
        'local_path': 'outputs/mixed_data.jsonl'

It is important to note that:

  • The dataset name specified in datasets is fixed as data_collection, indicating the evaluation of the mixed dataset.

  • In dataset_args, you need to specify local_path, which indicates the local path to the evaluation dataset.

Evaluation Results#

The evaluation results are saved by default in the outputs/ directory, containing reports with four levels:

  • subset_level: Average scores and counts for each subset.

  • dataset_level: Average scores and counts for each dataset.

  • task_level: Average scores and counts for each task.

  • tag_level: Average scores and counts for each tag, with the schema name also included as a tag in the tags column.

For example, the evaluation results might look like this:

2024-12-30 20:03:54,582 - evalscope - INFO - subset_level Report:
| task_type |   dataset_name   |  subset_name  | average_score | count |
|   math    | competition_math |    default    |      0.0      |  38   |
| reasoning |       race       |     high      |    0.3704     |  27   |
| reasoning |       race       |    middle     |      0.5      |  12   |
| reasoning |       arc        |   ARC-Easy    |    0.5833     |  12   |
|   math    |      gsm8k       |     main      |    0.1667     |   6   |
| reasoning |       arc        | ARC-Challenge |      0.4      |   5   |
2024-12-30 20:03:54,582 - evalscope - INFO - dataset_level Report:
| task_type |   dataset_name   | average_score | count |
| reasoning |       race       |    0.4103     |  39   |
|   math    | competition_math |      0.0      |  38   |
| reasoning |       arc        |    0.5294     |  17   |
|   math    |      gsm8k       |    0.1667     |   6   |
2024-12-30 20:03:54,582 - evalscope - INFO - task_level Report:
| task_type | average_score | count |
| reasoning |    0.4464     |  56   |
|   math    |    0.0227     |  44   |
2024-12-30 20:03:54,583 - evalscope - INFO - tag_level Report:
|      tags      | average_score | count |
|       en       |     0.26      |  100  |
| math&reasoning |     0.26      |  100  |
|   reasoning    |    0.4464     |  56   |
|      math      |    0.0227     |  44   |