Parameter Description#

Execute evalscope perf --help to get a full parameter description:

Basic Settings#

  • --model: Name of the test model.

  • --url: Specify the API address.

  • --name: Name for the wandb database result and result database, default is {model_name}_{current_time}, optional.

  • --api: Specify the service API, currently supports [openai|dashscope|local|local_vllm].

    • Select openai to use the API supporting OpenAI, requiring the --url parameter.

    • Select dashscope to use the API supporting DashScope, requiring the --url parameter.

    • Select local to use local files as models and perform inference using transformers. --model should be the model file path or model_id, which will be automatically downloaded from modelscope, e.g., Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct.

    • Select local_vllm to use local files as models and start the vllm inference service. --model should be the model file path or model_id, which will be automatically downloaded from modelscope, e.g., Qwen/Qwen2.5-0.5B-Instruct.

    • You can also use a custom API, refer to Custom API Guide.

  • --port: The port for the local inference service, defaulting to 8877. This is only applicable to local and local_vllm.

  • --attn-implementation: Attention implementation method, default is None, optional [flash_attention_2|eager|sdpa], only effective when api is local.

  • --api-key: API key, optional.

  • --debug: Output debug information.

Network Configuration#

  • --connect-timeout: Network connection timeout, default is 120 seconds.

  • --read-timeout: Network read timeout, default is 120 seconds.

  • --headers: Additional HTTP headers, formatted as key1=value1 key2=value2. This header will be used for each query.

Request Control#

  • --number: Number of requests sent, default is None, meaning requests are sent based on the dataset size.

  • --parallel sets the number of workers for concurrent requests, with a default of 1.

  • --rate specifies the number of requests generated per second (not sent), with a default of -1, indicating that all requests will be generated at time 0 with no interval; otherwise, we use a Poisson process to generate request intervals.


    In the implementation of this tool, request generation and sending are separated: The --rate parameter is used to control the number of requests generated per second, and these requests will be placed in a request queue. The --parallel parameter is used to control the number of workers sending requests; workers will take requests from the queue and send them, only sending the next request after receiving a response for the previous one. It is not recommended to set both parameters simultaneously; thus, in this tool, the --rate parameter is only effective when --parallel is set to 1.

  • --log-every-n-query: Log every n queries, default is 10.

  • --stream: Use SSE stream output, default is False.

Prompt Settings#

  • --max-prompt-length: Maximum input prompt length, default is sys.maxsize. Prompts exceeding this length will be discarded.

  • --min-prompt-length: Minimum input prompt length, default is 0. Prompts shorter than this will be discarded.

  • --prompt: Specify request prompt, a string or local file, taking precedence over dataset. When using a local file, specify the file path with @/path/to/file, e.g., @./prompt.txt.

  • --query-template: Specify query template, a JSON string or local file. When using a local file, specify the file path with @/path/to/file, e.g., @./query_template.json.

Dataset Configuration#

  • --dataset specifies the dataset [openqa|longalpaca|line_by_line|flickr8k]. You can also use a custom dataset parser in Python; refer to the Custom Dataset Guide.

    • line_by_line treats each line as a separate prompt and requires a dataset_path.

    • longalpaca will use item['instruction'] as the prompt. If dataset_path is not specified, it will be automatically downloaded from modelscope.

    • openqa will use item['question'] as the prompt. If dataset_path is not specified, it will be automatically downloaded from modelscope.

    • flickr8k will construct image-text inputs, making it suitable for evaluating multimodal models; the dataset will be automatically downloaded from modelscope, and specifying dataset_path is not supported.

  • --dataset-path: Path to the dataset file, used in combination with the dataset. openqa and longalpaca do not need a specified dataset path and will be downloaded automatically; line_by_line requires a local dataset file, which will be loaded line by line.

Model Settings#

  • --tokenizer-path: Optional, specify the path to tokenizer weights for calculating the number of input and output tokens, usually in the same directory as the model weights.

  • --frequency-penalty: Frequency penalty value.

  • --logprobs: Log probabilities.

  • --max-tokens: Maximum number of tokens that can be generated.

  • --min-tokens: Minimum number of tokens to be generated.

  • --n-choices: Number of completion choices generated.

  • --seed: Random seed, default is 42.

  • --stop: Tokens that stop generation.

  • --stop-token-ids: Set stop token IDs.

  • --temperature: Sampling temperature.

  • --top-p: Top_p sampling.

Data Storage#

  • --wandb-api-key: wandb API key, if set, metrics will be saved to wandb.

  • --outputs-dir specifies the output file path, with a default value of ./outputs.